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El Hajj Moorish American Goverment.Land
The Moorish American Government
"There Is No God But The Great God"
The Grand National Emblem
Continental American Territories
The Grand National Seal
The Moorish National Flag
*WARNING: To All Moorish American Nationals;
This National Census Registration / Citizenry Head Count for the Moorish American Government, is a matter of record and inclusion. No information on this Moorish American Government website will be authorized to be used in the courts of any other government(s) or organization(s) for any reason at all.
Registered Moorish Americans with the Moorish American National Government is currently at approximately 60, 000,000 citizens and growing.
The substance of Nationality and the benefits
thereof is contingent on the especial Nation's
ability to stand up and be counted within its
own relevant census. Thereby appying self-
determination and their common will to
excersise their God-Given Rights to take their
place in the affairs of Men and Nations.
For this proactivity is the first demonstration of
the people that must be known and recognized
by international allies, before any further
consideration can be seriously entertained.
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