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 9 - Department of Transportation

 Highways and Telepathy
 Moorish Rights to Travel, Passports, Visas; 10,000,000.
 Nationality and Identification Cards Equipment; $2,000,000.
 Silence, Telepathy and Meditation
 Gurus, Mahatmas, Buddha’s, Ministers of Divinity
 Transportation for Diplomats and Moorish Citizens
 Limousines, Buses, Trains, Trucks, Vans, Cars, Planes, Helicopters, Boats, Ships; $80,000,000.
 Highways – Upkeep and Construction; $10,000,000.
 Pilots, Conductors and Driver’s Education Department; $3,000,000.
 Transportation and Travel for Moorish Diplomats and Ambassadors; $3,000,000.

The Call Conference : 
7 Days A Week

6:45 p.m. - 10 p.m. EST
Call-In Number:

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Pin Number: 639381#

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